United Nations Experience
New York, USA
Enhance your Career
Develop Skills
A Unique Experience
Are you someone with ambition and who cares about the world? This is an opportunity for you unlike any other. Do you want to experience the UN as a protagonist rather than an observer? Then this is for you. The key differentiator is that you will be interning with a civil society organisation who work on equality issues to do with women and girls. We have collaborated with them for many years. When we say we work with them, this is not merely a superficial arrangement, but we have been active in the women’s movement for decades and have had roles within these organisations at Board level. Without the total involvement of the Civil Society Organisations who have UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) accreditation, the trip would not be possible. This means that you will find out about their organisation, help them with work at the UN before, during and after the trip, be one of their delegation attending the UN, with the same responsibilities and rights as that delegation. You will participate in all aspects of the UN process you are attending such as the main and parallel events, helping to work on the text of the Outcome Document or participating in side events, as requested by the Civil Society Organisation. This is real participation in UN processes as a part of civil society, not simulated. This opportunity is not for those who merely wish to travel for tourism or only to enhance their CV – it is for those who seek to have a meaningful experience.
Student Benefits
International Trip
Experience New York City in all it's glory.
UN experience
All events are part of the real United Nations - this is not a simulated event.
Enhanced Learning
Broaden of your understanding of politics, gender, law, global governance, civil society, development, UN processes, Agenda 2030.
Increased relevant skills for study and life
Research, presentation, drafting, writing, analysis, using social media.
Career Enhancement
Improve your personal statements/cv, internship & job opportunities, increased interest in Masters and PHDs in relevant fields.
Personal Development
Experience responsibility in a high level political environment, activism, confidence, networking, reflection.
Fundraising Support
We can provide you with a tool kit to raise funds for your trip.
Access to exclusive community of previous participants & associated organisations including joining the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations Young Women’s Alliance (NAWO YWA)
Travel with Friends
Go with friends and create amazing memories.
Parent Benefits
Invest in your child’s future
By providing career enhancement opportunities
Leadership Qualities
Participating in this opportunity affords your daughter or son the chance to develop individual initiative, decision making and planning skills.
Enhanced Learning
They will broaden their understanding of politics, gender, law, global governance, civil society, development, UN processes, Agenda 2030.
Increased relevant skills for study and life
Research, presentation, drafting, writing, analysis, using social media.
Personal Development
Responsibilities in a high level political environment, activism, confidence, networking, reflection.
Health and Safety
Impact Travel personnel have enhanced DBS; the trips have risk assessment, health and safety, and safeguarding measures in place; we have long experience in organising this trip and offer ATOL protection on all trips.
Schools & Uni Benefits
Professional & Personal Development for Staff
Staff satisfaction is increased due to the opportunity to attend the trip with the students. They gain all the benefits of the experience in terms of networking and learning.
“It is no exaggeration to say that these presentations, workshops and networking opportunities were lifechanging for all of us, and for myself this is true both personally and professionally. “ J.King Teacher
Fully Managed & Safe
The trip is fully managed for students safety, by a values-based company. Impact Travel personnel have enhanced DBS; the trips have risk assessment, health and safety, and safeguarding measures in place; we have long experience in organising this trip and offer ATOL protection.
Increased Reputation
Students and staff are involved in UN process and events in the UK including in the Houses of Parliament.
Student Satisfaction
Offering the trip through the university offers greater value to students thereby attracting new students including international students and enhancing retention. There is increased satisfaction with uni choice, greater understanding of their course and enhanced skills such as research and analysis, assisting in better results in their degree.
In the Programme
UN Formal Programme
Meet with Government delegations and network with diplomats and parliamentarians from around the world. Attend the UN process formal events and a variety of side events organised by UN agencies and governments.
Official Delegate
Participate as one of the delegation of a Civil Society Organisation with consultative status at the UN. You will be interning with them. Meet with UK Civil Society Organisations and the UK Government delegation. Develop your activism when you return home as part of your personal action plan. There is no charge for accreditation either by the UN or the Civil Society Organisation.
Civil Society Organisation Events
For some UN processes there are hundreds of events taking place. Meet with UN agency staff and activists from around the world. It’s like a hot house of activism. In a few short days, learn more than ever before, meet amazing people and hear real life stories of courage, vision and sacrifice from around the world.
Citizen Journalist
Write reports of all the events you attend and have these published. Undertake social media, before, during and after CSW on the key issues. Conduct interviews on behalf of your Civil Society Organisation and develop your social media skills.
Give a Speech
There are possibilities to make a presentation at a side event. Due to the UN and Civil Society Organisation context, this is never guaranteed. You will need to undertake your own activism to provide real information to draw on before the trip and undertake unique research and presentation practice.
Pre-Trip Training
We provide training sessions to learn about the history of the UN and the women’s movement, how civil society engages and the UN process you are attending. You will also receive training on networking and presentation skills. You will have mentoring in how to create and deliver your speech with time to rehearse and a daily workshop.
Guided Sight-Seeing
It’s not all hard work. You will take a relaxed walking tour of Grand Central Terminal, NY City Library, 42 Street, Broadway, Time Square, Rockefeller Centre…
You will go to the Off Broadway show of Sistas. There’s a chance to meet the playwright and find out how she covered the women’s and race equality movements in her musicals.
Jazz Evening
New York is a great place to enjoy jazz. We will enjoy an evening with the Mike Longo band and experience some of The Village in downtown NY.
Student Reports from Previous Events
WRI WPS Report
WRI CSW Report
JM Media Event CSW62
CSW 61 Contribution of Indigenous Women
CSW 61 PRIDE Event
Accelerating an end to child marriage
NAWO Youth Voices
Available UN Experiences

UN Commission on the Status of Women
CSW is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The NGO Forum has hundreds of events to choose from. It’s a hot house experience on the UN and gender equality.

UN Women, Peace & Security
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 is a landmark resolution. Every year there are a range of activities celebrating the achievements of this and related women, peace and security resolutions. A whole host of related events occur around the annual Special Session on WPS at the General Assembly.

UN Indigenous Peoples Permanent Forum
Participate in the annual forum to learn about the challenges facing minority and first peoples globally. The mandate of the Forum is to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.
The Package
Fully prepared schedule, activities - all organized.
International hotel, close to the UN.
UN Access
Accreditation with a Civil Society Organisation.
Civil Society Briefings
Opportunity to participate in UK CSO briefings.
Side Events
Potential opportunity to give a short presentation at a CSO event.
UN Training
Learn about UN processes, networking & presenting.
See Broadway shows and enjoy jazz clubs, visit New York sites, time to shop.
Opportunities for presentations, activism & internships at National and EU levels.
Our Expertise
Impact Travels has been assisting diverse people globally, especially students, to participate fully in UN processes by assisting in their accreditation and events since 2005. We are passionate about the importance of the UN and the role of civil society in all of its processes and works tirelessly to ensure the greatest inclusion possible.
Our Founding Director has been involved in working for and with Civil Society Organisations in the women’s movement since the 1980s and has been attending the UN since 2000. We therefore have unique expertise in the issues raised at the UN and the UN process we are involved in. She has held office with all the CSOs that provide accreditation and well understands the nuances of this special relationship with civil society and the responsibilities of this internship offer.
Safety First
The trip is fully managed for safety, by a valued-based company. Impact Travels personnel have enhanced DBS. Risk assessment, health and safety, and safeguarding measures are in place. Impact Travels has long experience in organising international trips.
Miranda Saul, Student
Goldsmiths University
Women, Peace & Security Agenda
"As an International Relations student, I cannot understate the incredible experience of going to the UN. For me, it was like stepping in to one of my textbooks…. the most amazing part was to be able to deliver a speech and know I was contributing to the UN in my own personal way. "
Scarlett Walton
"Thank you to Impact Travels for enabling me to attend CSW62. I am incredibly grateful for the guidance and support …I have learnt a great deal about myself…Being on a panel about women in the media, I have gained so much knowledge about the representation of ethnic minority groups in the media and film industry….I will be forever grateful for this experience."
Sophie Durn
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has”, a single quote that had a vast impact on many of us in the room… I constantly met truly amazing people over the course of the week, all of which encouraged me to continue and left me more empowered than ever to make change in this world by helping those who are unable to help themselves…CSW has heightened my confidence, and allowed me to see that despite my age, I am able to contribute and have my voice heard."
Kerry Lindeque
"The past week has been a life changing experience which has enlightened me about women’s issues around the world and empowered me to do more to help them."
Hero Robinson McCann
"This opportunity would never have been possible if it wasn’t for all of the hard work and support that Zarin Hainsworth of Impact Travels gave us while we were there, so thank you for making all of this possible…This amazing opportunity gave me the chance to learn so much, meet people from all over the world who have experienced so much, and are able to tell their stories. I am determined to use this to create something that might make a change the way women are treated in this world. Thank you again and I have loved every part of it."

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